Friday, March 25, 2011

Photo Critiques

I chose this photo because of the story it tells. With the people just standing around the injured man and his facial expression made it stand out to me. The color of the blood on his face just pops compared to all the dull grays and browns of his surroundings and draws you in. They way the photographer got down on his level gave out the emotion of the injured man's perspective and the legs of the people standing around framed him.
  I chose this photo  because of the textures and perspective that's portrayed. The shapes in the drill make this different and interesting to look at. Also the man's orange uniform makes him pop. By having the miner in the picture it shows how large the drill actually is.
 I chose this photo because of the reaction you get from it. The emotions of abandonment. The brown hue in the photo gives it a dingy look and gives it more emotion. 

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